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Dimitrov :

Dimitrov : "Alcaraz is like an explosive. He's amazing."

Grigor Dimitrov played an amazing match to beat Carlos Alcaraz in Miami's quarter-finals on Thursday. He was very pleased with his performance and that's what he told us in press conference right after the match. The Bulgarian also explained how much respect and admiration he has for the Spaniard.

Grigor Dimitrov: "I feel good. But I'm not celebrating anything yet since I have to play again tomorrow (Friday). So I'm trying to stay on point. This how our sport his. You appreciate it of course, you're very happy with the current win, but the you have to quickly move on and start focusing on the next match (against Zverev).

At the moment, I'm just really pleased that I was able to get trough that match, to get trough in such a manner. And I already have an other match to play. But, again, very proud of myself that I was able to such a good and clean match overall. Very grateful to be again that far into a Masters 1000 event. I'm very excited for what's next.

Of course when you win a match this way, you can feel like you have the key against you're opponent. But again, Carlos is such a... I always see him like an explosive (a firecrack). He's amazing. I love watching him play. I love practising against him, competing against him. I mean, I'm 12 years older than him so it's honestly a lot of fun for me to challenge myself. It's a super opportunity for me.

But also, you cannot really let him hit the ball. We saw what happened when I was up a break in the second set. He broke me straight up to come back to 4-4, and there was absolutely nothing I could have done. So, can I get mad ? Yes I can, but there was no reason for me to do so. I just had to stay patient. I was aware of what was happening and how it was happening. And I knew that if I had an other chance and opportunity, I could really like step in. And that's what happened, I think, at 5-4 to conclude the match. I didn't pull back, I kept on believing in the game that I was playing and, again, the execution was very good".

ESP Alcaraz, Carlos [1]
BUL Dimitrov, Grigor [11]
BUL Dimitrov, Grigor [11]
GER Zverev, Alexander [4]
Grigor Dimitrov
10e, 3555 points
Carlos Alcaraz
3e, 7300 points
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Go Olga
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Craig Kent Craig Kent
Idemoooooo Olga!
3 thumb_up
Damirica Damirica
He needs more variety in his play in my opinion, all I see him do is hit hard and when that doesn't work he gets mad with himself.
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Gemma D Gemma D
Maybe.....everything is possible. Who knows which Novak will show up on court. The only thing that we can be 100% sure .......The GOAT will still remain The GOAT, regardless of this match outcome.
3 thumb_up
StAdam StAdam
Potential a early exit for Novak here 👀
2 thumb_up
Planet E. Planet E.