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Zverev returns to the Masters 1000 in Rome

Zverev returns to the Masters 1000 in Rome

Alexander Zverev has finally regained a major title. For the first time since Cincinnati 2021, Zverev won a Masters 1000 title. Taking full advantage of the Italian hecatomb, he held his nerve to dispose of a Nicolas Jarry who was far too brittle in the exchanges (6-4, 7-5 in 1h41).

Imperial on serve (6 aces, 95% of points won on the first ball), the German held the ball perfectly, making very few errors and forcing his opponent to play more consistently. Making the break at the right moment each time, the German's solidity (13 winners, 5 unforced errors) logically got the better of the Chilean's fighting spirit (16 winners, 17 unforced errors).

With the French Open just a week away, Zverev is on the rise and, given the poor form of several players, could well be one of the favourites to win the title in Paris. Having won the title in Italy, the German will now climb to No. 4 in the world rankings, ensuring him a place in the top four seeds in Paris. It remains to be seen whether he can withstand the pressure of a Grand Slam, which he has not always been able to handle.

GER Zverev, Alexander [3]
CHI Jarry, Nicolas [21]
Alexander Zverev
4e, 6885 points
Nicolas Jarry
20e, 1905 points
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As hawkeye is not used at the FO it can't really be said that it was a double fault. All systems have a margin of error. Yes hawkeye has a very small margin- something like 3mm and the line judge/umpi
2 thumb_up
Juan Manuel, for the win ✌️
1 thumb_up
Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Well played Donna, 👏 👌
0 thumb_up
Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
Well played Jack 🇬🇧👏👌
0 thumb_up
Aladdin Sane Aladdin Sane
That being said. I too think it would be good for the game if Roland Garros to get on board with hawk eye.
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Christine N Christine N